Death at a fencing match: health and safety at the 16th century Fechschule
This historical coldcase has been on my mind for quite some time now, and I felt more people should know about it: it gives a really detailed picture of how the Fechtschule was supposed to function, and what happened when it didn t. Although attempts to improve the audio setup were made, it didn t quite work out in removing street sounds just yet, but I hope it will be an enjoyable bit of context regardless. The article on the Dutch HEMA federation website: For early acces to the next video and exercices, consider becoming a patron: 0:00 Intro 1:30 The source material 2:58 What we can learn from the sources 4:09 Medical analysis of the sources 5:25 Common Fechtschule proceedings and injuryprevention 8:47 Conclusions Fencers: Pim Baeten and Oskar ter Mors Sources: Tlusty, B. Ann Augsburg during the Reformation Era. An anthology