Eve Online Montage Triglavian Defense Of Komo
At 13:13 on fateful 13th of February 2021 Triangles Dorito s far and wide united with 3Glav to protect their Banana Astrahus Structure against CATALYST FOR YOU, Beyond The Breach in an epic clash on the structure with the first day consisting of the enemies Munin s Scimitars, Blackbirds more colliding against our Drek s Tengu s in a cataclysmic nukefest, Victory was honorably retreived by the Forces of Triglav on the first armer timer. Second day was the timer for the Raitaru, suffering a first crushing defeat the enemies brought Naga s Basilisks+ utilizing their effective range bubbling capabilities to snipe off targets and allies from us. Suffering heavier losses but again with the help of DarkSide. another exhilirating battle erupted converging all in bitter The Triglavian Coalition reigned supreme by the end, but by no means without enemy, well ad