Making A ( Modern ) Edwardian Walking Skirt, , Historical Style
The next addition to my growing neohistorical wardrobe is this: an adaptation of the Edwardian walking skirt (By the wayyes, the pins did come out of the hem after I had pressed it all into place. 0, 10, would not recommend wearing your clothes with pins still in. ) Shoes worn in the final shots are the Gibson style from American Duchess. MATERIAL SOURCES: Pattern: Truly Victorian 1898 Walking Skirt no. TV291 Stripe cotton: Prime Fabrics, NYC Flat lining: Amin Fabrics, NYC Stiffener cotton: Grey Lines Linen, NYC MUSIC Maple Leaf Rag by Es Jammy Jams, YouTube Audio Library Fig Leaf RagbyKevin MacLeodis licensed under aCreative Commons Attributionlicense Source: Artist: Youre free to use this song in any of your videos, but you mus