How to Practice the Bass Drum Kick Articulation ( Beatbox Style with a Flute) by Greg Pattillo
Hope this helps you as you learn to beatbox on your flute Check out our Summer Camp if you want to learn how to do this, and rock out with others just like you. Go to for more info. Here is a transcript of the video, enjoy : How to Practice the Bass Drum Kick Articulation (Beatbox Style with a Flute) by Greg Pattillo step one make this sound 10, 000 times things to consider Back pressure of air against the lips Back of tongue down Diaphragmatic air support Use Thick Lips (Back pressure against the back part of the lips. The part that is always wet) Open throat Open jaw, closed lips: as much space as possible in the mouth Look how much I use and open my Throat, Shoulders and Chest finally seek a relaxed resonance and find an easy controlled consistency Here are some additional rhythms to prac