Investing in MLOps, , Leigh Marie Braswell Davis Treybig, , Coffee Sessions, 81
MLOps Coffee Sessions, 81 with Davis Treybig and Leigh Marie Braswell, Machine Learning from the Viewpoint of Investors. , , Abstract Machine learning is a rapidly evolving space that can be hard to keep track of. Every year, thousands of research papers are published in the space, and hundreds of new companies are built both in applied machine learning as well as in machine learning tooling. In this podcast, we interview two investors who focus heavily on machine learning to get their take on the state of the machine learning industry today: LeighMarie Braswell at Founders Fund and Davis Treybig at Innovation Endeavors. We discuss their perspectives on opportunitieswithin MLOps and applied machine learning, common pitfalls and challenges seen in machine learning startups, and new projects they find exciting and interesting in the space. , , Bio Leigh Marie Braswell Leigh Marie (Twitter: LMBraswell) is an investor at Founders Fund. Before joining Founders Fund, she was an early