Wu Tang Clan The Saga Continues Cypher, SWAY S UNIVERSE
In celebration of the WuTang Clan American Saga final season, Sway s Universe collaborated with Rza and The WuTang Clan to create a contest to allow emcees spit a verse to win a chance to join a cypher on Sway In The Morning. After over 10, 000 entries, with the support of DJ King Tech, 9th Wonder and many more there were 11 winners And those emcees made it to Sway In The Morning for one of the best cyphers of the year Rugged N Raw, 28:39 IG: RuggedNRaw Maxx Spillburg, 23:53 IG: maxxspillburg Nejma Nefertiti, 26:35 IG: NejmaNefertiti Buhd, 8:40 IG: Buhd3 A Robs, 2:36 IG: Arobsmusic Pretty Bulli, 38:00 IG: PrettyBulli Seven Complete, 35:06 IG: SevenComplete Loose Logic, 9:14 IG: Looselogic Chris Rios, 13:58 IG: ItsCR King FLO, 16:27 IG: TherealKingFlo360 Agallah Don Bishop, 6:34 IG: Agasakilo Subscribe Here Watch the Best of Sway