Дани Терон, Danie Theron 1983
Daniël Danie Theron (9 May 1872 5 September 1900) was a Boer Army military leader, lawyer, and school teacher. During the AngloBoer War he led the Theron Reconnaissance Corps, where his successes led to Lord Roberts calling him the hardest thorn in the flesh of the British advance. Danie was killed in action while on a solitary scouting mission when he ran into a group of seven British soldiers. He almost managed to kill the entire group of seven (killing three and seriously wounding four), but was outgunned and killed when British field guns opened fire on his position on a nearby koppie. Daniël Danie Theron (9 Mei 1872 5 September 1900) was n Boere militêre leier, prokureur, en onderwyser. Gedurende die AngloBoereoorlog was hy die hoof van die Theron se Verkenningskorps, waar Lord Roberts hom die hardste doring in die vlees van die Britse opmars genoem het. Danie is dood in aksie terwyl hy alleen op n verkenning sending was toe hy