Mobility or Flexibility, Bboy Tutorial, How to Breakdance, Bboy Conditioning Strength Exercises
Mobility Vs Flexibility Bboy, Breakdance Conditioning Strength Exercises Basic Conditioning: Week 3 of 4 See More Below Mobility: The ability to move a joint freely throughout its full range of motion, encompasses the length of the muscle (flexibility), the muscle tension, the joint capsule and ligaments as well as the central nervous system. Basically, the ability to move or be moved freely and easily. Flexibility: The ability to passively lengthen a muscle or group of muscles through a range of motion. Mobility drills alongside bboy conditioning bboy strength training has helped me so much with my breakin. 0:00 Trailer Intro 0:23 Mobility In Breaking 0:56 Whats the difference 1:07 Definition Flexibility 1:16 Definition Mobility 1:27 Another View My Top 4 Reasons why you should include mobility drills in your training 1:55 1. Get more from your training 2:26 2. Improved Flexibility 2:28 3. Injury Prevention