The Newly Wed novel Audiobook Episode 1 Best Romance Novels
The Newly Wed: The Newly Wed novel is a romance story about Shen Qi and Ye Moxuan. The Newly Wed novel Trailer: In a dark room, Shen Qi was lying alone on a big soft bed, barely covered under the quilt. Tonight was her wedding night with the Ye Familys Second Young Master. However, there were no weddings nor banquets; there was only the rear view of a middleaged man in a wheelchair and his unkind wordswash her clean and send her to my bed. I want to inspect her. Inspect her To him, she was just a commodity for their mutually beneficial exchange. Suddenly, the door opened, and Shen Qis entire body tensed up as she grabbed the quilt tightly. Continue to read The Newly Wed novel Chapter 1: You also can read The Newly Wed novel full story on Flipread App: , TheNewlyWed, Flipread, ShenQi,