The Tale of Leonidas Michael Kelly ( AC Odyssey cover)
CAUTION: This week s public video contains me wearing a toga. Do not look directly at the bare portions of my chest, or you may suffer retinal damage from the glare of light reflected off of extremely pale skin that has never seen the light of day. If you experience eye strain or blurry vision, consult your physician. If you experience lightheadedness or swooning, this is perfectly natural, as it turns out that Roman garb looks surprisingly good on me. Continuing my covering of sea shanties from Assassin s Creed Odyssey, here s my favourite one of the ones written by a modern songwriter in English. Once again I used the simple harmonies from the version in the game as a starting point, and then made up and layered additional harmonies. There are a lot more vocal layers in this one than were in the last one almost 3 times as many. In some places, there are as many as 32 of my voices involved. Big thanks to Sebastianos Ionnides for the loan of