Teachers Weeklies: Students with Dyslexia
If you ever wondered how to work with dyslexic foreign language learners, what dyslexia is, and whether it will be ethical to talk about it with your student(s), this meeting is for you. It aims to help you understand some common symptoms and practical solutions so you are ready whenever facing a similar challenge. The speaker is Premium teacher Gulchohra Hajiyeva. Followup: Feedback form: Timecodes: 00:00 Greetings 1:03 Introduction and Agenda 2:47 What is Dyslexia 4:13 What are the Signs of Dyslexia 11:00 Challenges in Foreign Language Acquisition 21:30 Brainstorming the Solutions 28:28 Expert s Solutions 41:23 Discussing the Case 44:09 Breakout Rooms 55:30 Exchanging the Solutions 1:04:49 Conclusion