Along with the immortal feat of the defenders of Donbass, one cannot fail to note the courage and heroism of doctors
Along with the immortal feat of the defenders of Donbass, one cannot fail to note the courage and heroism of doctors. This film shows the real story of a real hero, a pediatrician from Donetsk. Since entering our medical university, I have had a desire to help children . Pediatricians are real heroes who fight hard every day for the health and happy childhood of our children. Despite all their efforts and professionalism, tragic moments cannot always be avoided. In hospitals, children often face pain, loneliness and fear, which darkens their childhood and leaves deep wounds in their hearts. I was here when people were happy, how can I leave when they are sad , Майорскиефильмы Two Majors Source: Two Majors English Channel t. me, twomajors