How Japanese Companies Compete Globally
Sept. 22, 2020: How Japanese Companies Compete Globally The globalization of commerce, the breakout of supply chains across multiple countries, and the need of open innovation have required Japanese companies to change their business mindset. The previous, largely ethnocentric approach of exporting Made in Japan goods no longer works, and needs to be carefully blended with more global aka Western management approaches of multicountry growth and profitability strategies. How are Japans largest companies positioned to compete in this new global setting, and what are the changes needed in general business mindset towards truly global approaches Listen to longterm Japan business insider David Chet Chetwynd and Ulrike Schaede, as they discuss the global visions for Japans large businesses. Speakers: David Chet Chetwynd, CEO, JMNC Solutions Ulrike Schaede, Professor and Director of the Japan Forum for Innovation and Technology, GPS UC San Diego This Ja