Vicon Meta Human VTuber Demo 01
This is my first performance capture test (body, hands, face) with the Vicon motion capture system. This is live, raw MOCAP data. Notes: There is an issue clearly with the elbows, where the secondary, corrective post process blueprint isn t behaving correctly or possibly was disabled. This is the most basic hand solver from Vicon (3 finger) and the hand retargeting has some issues, especially the middle metacarpal. It takes time create the best live retarget, I will be testing out different ones as I get better with the system The face capture is stock ARKit, LiveLinkFace but if I keep using this MetaHuman I will slightly modify some of the lip curves. I also was wearing glasses which isn t ideal My auto eye contact system isn t being used here and I m mostly looking off axis at my monitor Computer: HP Z8 Dual Xeon Gold 192GB RAM Nvidia A6000 Recorder: Atomos 1080p Sumo at 60 fps