Tennis Stars Fail First Big Test (1950)
Full title reads: Davis Cup. Tennis Stars Fail First Big Test. Devonshire Park, Eastbourne, Sussex. England lose in Davis Cup International tennis tie against Italy. SV Gianni Cucelli (right) and Tony Mottram. CU Italian badge pan up to Cucelli. CU Tony Mottram. SV Cucelli and Mottram walk away onto court. CU Two women watching. GV Play. Cucelli serving. (Near end. ) Point to Cucelli Side view crowd applauding. SV Cucelli serving (far end. ) LV Play, Point to Mottram. SV Women applauding. SV Cucelli serving. (Near end. ) Wins game. Runs round to shake hands with Mottram. SV Cucelli being congratulated. SV Geoff Paish and Rolando del Bello walking onto court. CU Badge on Del Bello pan up to face pan over to CU Paish. SV Crowd watching. SV Top view Paish serving. Point to Paish. Paish runs into net cord judge. Side view crowds applauding GV Paish serving. Paish wins game shakes hands at net. Both players walk of court. Side view crowd applauding. Scoreboard shot 22. CU Paish putting on sweater. (Orig. N