Dead Or Alive Lover Come Back To Me 1985
Dead or Alive were an English pop band formed in 1980 in Liverpool. The band found success in the mid1980s, releasing seven singles that made the UK Top 40 and three albums on the UK Top 30. They were the first band under the production team of Stock Aitken Waterman to have a numberone single. At the peak of their success, the lineup consisted of Pete Burns (vocals), Mike Percy (bass), Steve Coy (drums) and Tim Lever (keyboards). Lover Come Back To Me was a, 11 hit in the UK and in the Dutch Top 40 it reached, 30. In Germany, 21 and in the USA, 75 This Toppop video was recorded on 13 May 1985 Watch our great music videos More TopPop Subscribe here More info on Wikipedia Broadcast date: This is to let you know that the video recording of the video clip was originally recorded by AVROTROS Broadcasting. AVROTROS Broadcasting hereby warrants and represents t