El Alamein (1945)
Full title reads: EL ALAMEIN On the third anniversary of this turning point of the war Field Marshal Montgomery came to Pathe Studios to give this personal message (The accompanying music is from Albert Arlen s El Alamein Various shots of the troops in lorries, jeeps and other vehicles travelling along the desert road. Several shots of Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery in front of his caravan looking at some maps and papers, several officers around him. Various shots (some close ups) of Field Marshal Montgomery in the Pathe Studio handling film presumable footage of the battle. Director of Pathe News Terry Ashwood showing Monty some of the shots on the film. Follows a sequence of the battle various shots of the big explosions, artillery guns being loaded and firing, tanks moving across the desert, planes dropping bombs, Monty looking through binoculars, troops running through smoke and firing, mass troops marching etc. Cut back to Monty seated in the studio talking onto camera.