Canadian Troops Leave For Home (1914 1918)
Canadian Troops leaving for home. Shot of Canadians marching past from buildings in BAG. Red Cross people handing out something. Great shot, DS of the men climbing steps curved metal stair to board ship. DS looking along pier; long line of soldiers on pier; ship in BAG at left. Repeat stair shot. Line moving along on the pier; w, building in BAG signs advertise Colman s mustard. Now a DS from ship: of the stairs w, men going up; various other people in BAG standing around on pier. Marching band approaching; followed by many soldiers. Red Cross workers handing out more cigarettes or candy. Another shot stair. CU same soldiers looking back from the stairs; waving; etc. People standing around on pier. pan back forth very young looking sailors. Take out cigarettes; lighting up; talking; etc. Pan along group of sailors standing in a row; DS another stairs shot. CU soldiers filing past. Pulled back of same; CU 3 Canadian officers ( ) Departure; homecoming; etc. Armistice FILM A V