We Got Soaked In Hope Of A Big Catfish
In this exciting video, we braved the rain and embraced the winter chill in our relentless pursuit of a monster catfish Despite the unconventional weather, we embarked on a fishing adventure during a surprisingly warmer weekend. Our strategy kicked off with anchor fishing, resulting in a thrilling catfish catch just as we were about to switch to dragging. Moving on, we explored a secondary channel teeming with bait, setting the stage for an epic dragging session. Our journey led us into a creek channel, where we executed a wide circle around an underwater island. While the monster catfish eluded us this time, we successfully reeled in a series of funsized catfish. The key to our success Fresh Skipjack, the irresistible bait that kept the action alive throughout our rainsoaked expedition. Join us on this angler s odyssey as we navigate the waters, share in the excitement, and celebrate the triumphs, big and small , FishingAdventure, CatfishHunt, RainOrShineAngling Purcha