I bought an Old DIGGER DERRICK, Auger Crane Truck SAVING the ULTIMATE All Around Work Truck
I decided I NEEDED another International Crane Truck, but this time I REALLY scored BIG This is a 1982 International s1700 CREW Cab Digger Derrick, also known as a Crane Auger truck. These trucks are largely used in the in the utility industry to install telephone poles and EVERYTHING associated with running power lines, telecom lines. They are the WORK Horses of these industries, and are WAY over built, and PACKED with a ton of incredibly useful features For starters the truck has a crane that at it s strongest can lift 14000 lbs The crane s winch is outfitted with a 1. 5 heavy duty synthetic winch line. The crane has 1 powered extension, and another one that is manually pulled out for a max extension of over 34 feet. There are 2 hydraulically driven outriggers on the rear of the truck to stabilize the truck when using the crane. The crane has an auger attached to it with a 22 auger bit that can be used to dig post holes or just break up hard ground. There is