Team Fortress 2 Cameos in Other Games
Nearly every time a TF2 merc has appeared in another game, either as an NPC, a costume, a cameo or even a playable character Some of these will be games you already know, but I m confident there will be at least one you don t These cameos include the one of the 9 characters in standalone Team Fortress DLC, many with the original TF2 class voice actors, a very beautifully crafted VR Scout ornament in Alyx, and there s even a faithful recreation of the Meet the Medic Short in VR Chapters, Featured games: 0:00 Intro 0:38 Poker Night at the Inventory 1:37 Sonic AllStars Racing Transformed 3:08 Western Press 4:21 Fall Guys 5:12 Half Life: Alyx 5:55 (Super) Monday Night Combat 6:39 Peggle Extreme 7:44 Paladins 9:07 Surgeon Simulator: Meet the Medic VR 11:06 Even more TF2 Cameos Games featured in outro: Joe Danger 2: The Movie Killing Floor Evil Genius 2 Dungeon Defenders Even m