Understanding the History of the Holy Land with Mel K and Matt Ehret
In this Episode of the Mel K Show, Matt breaks down the dynamics shaping the Middle East with a look to the revival of the danger of peace through development that was emerging at the end of the 19th century with the unveiling of the BerlinBaghdad Railway, and broader international rail cooperation program with followers of Abraham Lincoln in Russia, China, France, German and the Ottoman Empire working to usher in a new antiimperial system based on Constitutional banking. The age of assassinations, coordinated world wars, and regime change operations, as well as the forgery of the Protocols of Zion and rise of fascism is also addressed through this historic lesson. Follow Mel K on Supplementary Reading: 1) The Forgotten JewishChristianMuslim Alliance and Chinas Silk Road 2) Putting the Jewish Conspiracy into Perspective