2018 09 12 Ueli Gio present : Eiger over Mittellegi ridge
Day 2 : Ascent over the Mittellegi Ridge to the Eiger 3970 mt. with the use of our headlamps we set off before dawn breaks and reach the first climbing section just as it starts to get light. The ridge is unbelievably impressive and the views we get of the North Face from the ridge make our heart beat faster. A fixed rope helps us over the Gendarm Buttress and on to the summit. The last few pitches ascend over a sharp Firn ridge. The views are overwhelming. The Eiger is and remains a myth Blissfully happy we reach the summit and yet must not forget that we have only reached halftime. The descent demands full concentration. First we rappel to the northern Eigerjoch and continue along the connecting ridge to the southern Eigerjoch. Along this ridge we will encounter some outstanding climbing sections. We roundup the Monch to the southside of the Jungfraujoch.