Rubber tree ( Hevea brasiliensis)
, Dlium Rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) is a plant species in Euphorbiaceae, a tree height of 1525 m, but in the wild up to 43 m, a large trunk, grows straight and has a high branching above. The stem of this plant contains milk sap which is extracted as the main source of natural rubber. H. brasiliensis has a cylindrical rod, brown and the inner skin secretes latex if injured. The leaves have three leaflets, arranged in a spiral, elliptical, elongated with a tapered tip, flat edge and bare. The main leaf stalk has a length of 320 cm and a minor leaf stalk for 310 cm. Male and female flowers are separate, yellowish and have no petals. The fruit is a capsule that contains three and six seeds according to the amount of space, blackish brown with typical patterned spots and explosively open when ripe.