Tomb Raider Survival Billboard Highlights
To celebrate the arrival of Rise of the Tomb Raider, Xbox UK challenged Eight contestants that participated in a true test of Tomb Raider endurance in Lara Croft style by surviving the harshest elements of weather. The winner survived over 20 hours of wind, rain, and snow controlled by viewers. Watch the Survival Billboard recap above, and contestants highlights Andy: Youth Worker from Stroud Adam: Railway Engineer from Durham Sarah: Supermarket Attendant from Cambridgeshire Sam: Cameraman from N. Ireland Lewis: Design Director from London Jade: Youtuber from London Anya: English Student from Southampton Eve: Psychology Student from the Lake District Source: Xbox Uk Watch Watch the Survival Billboard quick recap : Watch another Tomb Raider Challenge Lara Croft Tomb Raider Crystal Dynamics Square Enix Official FanAccount