SHREE RAM JAY RAM JAY JAY RAM , 108 Times, Chanting Mantra The Avatar of VISHNU
SHREE RAM JAY RAM JAY JAY RAM , 108 Times, Chanting Mantra Meditation The Avatar of Vishnu Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram is the song, mantra, Chant that Hanuman is always singing. Rama is the name that Maharajji always had on his lips. It is the mantra that purifies the heart and bestows devotion to God. Tulsi Das says that the name of God is greater than God. Ram Nam means the name Rama, which can imply either devotion to Rama, the avatar of Vishnu, or as a name to the ultimately formless (advita), allembracing Absolute Brahman. In Mahabharata, Shiva states that uttering Rama three times is equal to pronouncing the thousand other names of God. Rama s name is often chanted or sung within the many traditions of Hinduism. A popular mantra is Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram (often prefixed with Om ), which was popularized in western India by Samarth Ramdas. ::: RAM IS TOTAL TRUTH AS EARTH AND UNIVERSE ::: SHREE RAM JAY RAM J