If We Were Gay NSP
Find the Ninja Sex Party album on iTunes: Danny Sexbang and Ninja Brian take a moment to contemplate how awesome the world would be if they were gay. Starring Ninja Sex Party (Danny Sexbang and Ninja Brian) Special Guests: Tracey Petrillo Shamikah Christina Martinez Mark Peterson Morgan Golden Ruth Schwartz And introducing Tortilla and Guapo Futuristico as The Gay Ninjas Directed by Jim Turner 1st AD Mark Peterson Production Assistants: Morgan Goldin David GunShow Cowles Mark Peterson Disco Lighting Technician: David GunShow Cowles LYRICS: A newborn deer runs through a field A rainbow shines from heaven A child s smile lights up the room As Brian blows a dude A star shoots in from outer space A puppy licks its mother A ray of sunlight through the trees As Brian licks a sack There would be no sadness If we were super gay Just unicorns and magic If we were super gay We would all be flying On a tasteful pink duvet But mostly Brian Mostly B