Echo Copies All Other Overwatch Heroes Ultimates and Abilities
In this video, Echo copies all other Overwatch Heroes and abilities. Timestamps: 00:00 Ashe 00:32 D. Va 00:46 Orisa 01:03 Reinhard 01:16 Roadhog 01:37 Sigma 01:59 Winston 02:19 Wrecking Ball (Hammond) 02:41 Zarya 02:52 Bastion 03:04 Doomfist 03:19 Genji 03:35 Hanzo 04:01 Junkrat 04:22 McCree 04:39 Mei 05:00 Pharah 05:20 Reaper 05:35 Soldier: 76 05:49 Sombra 06:04 Symmetra 06:23 Torbjorn 06:45 Tracer 07:06 Widowmaker 07:28 Ana 07:41 Baptiste 08:02 Brigitt