Strong advocacy and lobbying of Megjashi for harsher punishments of pedophiles gave results
TVSITEL November 13th 2013 Strong advocacy and lobbying of Megjashi for harsher punishments of sexual predators EDITORIt was obvious that registry of pedophiles didn t give expected results in practice. Children s Embassy Megjashi was among the strongest advocates for incorporating measure like this, chemical castration. Do you expect after this to have decrease of the number of repeated offenders of pedophile acts Dragi ZmijanacStrong advocacy and lobbying of The First Children s Embassy in the World Megjashi for harsher punishments of sex offenders, incest offenders, pedophiles, especially towards children under 14 years of age, gave results. Three out of four our suggestions have been accepted and I believe that now we have opportunity to put this pathological phenomenon under control especially with recidivism. Medicament therapy or so called chemical castration is among the things we advocated for and was accepted as well as 15 years of imprisonment. What it wasn t accepted was wearing electric brac