League of Legends Top 5 Plays Week 68
Submit: Website: FaceBook: Twitter: 1 Wyxi on Katarina 2 zöllp on Udyr 3 Eeppiixx on Nautilus 4 ConTooRespeto on Caitlyn 5 N4M31355 on Riven PC Winner YourPoopIsGreen on Urgot Check out for some sweet guides made by some of the best League of Legends players alive. Please send your League of Legend Replays to for a chance to be in our video of the week in the future. We give away Razer equipment to our, 1 top 5 winner and to a random subscriber weekly for more information watch Fries Prize Also if you can leave a comment, feedback on Every comment that goes up puts the post on the front pag br, br,