ERECTION HOUSE Feels of Correction ( Full Album 2023)
Buy HELTER SKELTER PRODUCTIONS (distributed marketed by REGAIN RECORDS) is proud to present ERECTION HOUSE s striking debut album, Feels of Correction, on vinyl LP format. Sporting one of best monikers around, ERECTION HOUSE are a brandnew powerhouse band from the alwaysfertile Copenhagen scene. Their sound nods to the past powerfully, cosmically, chemically addled ly but their Feels of Correction debut more so feels remarkably fresh and NOW. Locking into a killer riff and then milking it hazily hypnotically for all its worth, the specter of Hawkwind looms large in the ERECTION HOUSE. But blow your mind and you ll also hear Funhouseera Stooges, prime Loop, early MC5, and even Les Rallizes Denudes all bubbling within their soupy sonic cauldron. Familiar territory but fucking GONE all the same, Feels of Correction carries all the traits of a modern trancerock classic stand to attention with ERECTION HOUSE