What Causes Sexual Dysfunction Urologist Dr. Ashley Tapscott Has Answers Ask Dr. Drew
Dr. Ashley Tapscott is an established expert in the field of sexual dysfunction. She is a boardcertified urologist and fellowshiptrained in male and female sexual dysfunction. Along with her work in general urology, Dr. Tapscotts subspecialty interests have been nationally recognized at many urologic and sexual medicine society meetings. She frequently hosts patient education seminars and lectures to urologists and primary care physicians concerning the treatment of erectile dysfunction, Peyronies disease, and other sexual and urologic conditions. Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation and Susan Pinsky This show is for entertainment and, or informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. SPONSORS BLUE MICS After more than 30 years in broadcasting, Dr. Drew s iconic voice has reached pristine clarity through Blue Microphones. But yo