Data Science Process that is Truthful
Data, its kind of a big topic here at TARTLE HQ. Its the main thing we talk about and work with every day. Thats because we recognize two important things: one, that organizations of all kinds are making ever more conscious use of the available data in their decision making and two, that there is more and more data available. As these organizations have come to realize the importance of their operations theyve begun finding more ways to gather it faster and store more of it. This has given rise to fiber optic lines getting run through the mountains or under the oceans in an effort to gather data faster. In some applications such as the stock exchange, trading firms even take distance to the main servers into account when building a server hub. Things happen so fast that fractions of a fraction of a second matter. This also has of course given rise to massive server stacks around the country so all of this data can be stored for later analysis. Those stacks and stacks full of data have spaw