Secret desert valley holds the lost Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, 60 Minutes Australia
Subscribe here: Full Episodes: , The Lost Pharaoh (2013) In the modern history of Ancient Egypt, new worldheadlinemaking discoveries are rare. On 60 Minutes, a royal tomb full of golden treasure that is likely to be bigger and grander than the discovery of the famous boy king, Tutankhamen. Renowned archaeologist John Romer believes he s found the tomb of the long lost Pharaoh, Herihor. Along with the King and his priceless relics, there could also be all of Ancient Egypt s missing Queens. It s an ambitious quest that takes us to a secret desert valley and could transform what we know about these exotic and remarkable people Reporter: Tara Brown Producer: Stephen Taylor Archeologist: John Romer WATCH more of 60 Minutes Australia: LIKE 60 Minutes Australia on Facebook: FOLLOW 60 Minutes Australia on Twitter: