Full Send, Samantha Soriano s Road to Formation, Ep. 3
Samantha Soriano won the U. S. Professional Women s Downhill National title at just 18 years old. Now 20, she has her sights set on conquering the world of freeride. With her first Red Bull Formation, the women s free ride event happening May 24 to June 1 on the 2015 Red Bull Rampage course, its crunch time Watch Sam put all the pieces of the freeride puzzle togethergnar lines and technical tricks over burly terrain. Episode, 1Watch now: Episode, 2Watch now: VIDEO SERIES BY: Taylor Sage EPISODE, 3 FEATURING: Samantha Soriano, LEARN ABOUT THE CANYON SENDER CFR MOUNTAIN BIKE: , MyCanyon, CLLCTV Website: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: TikTok: Canyon CLLCTV