Jay Chou 周杰伦 Dao Xiang 稻香 FULL MV English Lyrics (Запах посевов)
The lastest MV from Jay Chou 對這個世界如果你有太多的抱怨 dui zhe ge shi jie ru guo ni you tai duo de bao yuan Look out to this world around you if you have too many grievances, 跌倒了就不敢繼續往前走 die dao le jiu bu gan ji xu wang qian zou After fallen, you lose the courage to move forward 為什麼人要這麼的脆弱 墮落 wei shen me ren yao zhe me de cui ruo duo luo Why do people need to be so weak and useless 請你打開電視看看 qing ni da kai dian shi kan kan Please switch on the telev