Women Maintain Relationships, Men Maintain Attraction
Check out the Get Her Back (Action Plan): Men who focus too much on a relationship can kill attraction for several reasons: Overbearing behavior: When a man becomes overly obsessed with a relationship, he may start to suffocate the woman. This can lead to him constantly checking in on her, bombarding her with messages and calls, or trying to control her actions and decisions. This behavior can be overwhelming and unattractive to a woman. Lack of independence: Women are attracted to men who are confident, selfsufficient, and have their own interests and passions. When a man becomes too focused on a relationship, he may lose sight of these qualities and become too dependent on the woman for his happiness and validation. This can create feelings of boredom and dissatisfaction in the relationship. Emotional neediness: When a man is overly focused on a relationship, he may become emotionally needy. This can lead to him constantly seeking