Lift Breasts and Reduce Armpit Fat in 20 DAYs 12 Min STANDING Chest Workout, No Equipment
If you want to lift and firm your breasts, just do this workout. You will see the results in 23 weeks. So please measure your breast size before doing this workout, and comment your progress below :) For girls who want to reduce the breast size, please combine this exercise along with the 20min standing aerobic fatburning workout that I shared before , and you will see results very soon. As to the elimination of armpit fat, accessory breasts, please make sure that your armpit fat is false accessory breast, that are caused by fat accumulation, improper bras, or poor lymphatic circulation in the armpits, instead of true accessory breasts with residual thymus tissues (size will change with the menstrual cycle, The former can be improved very well through this workout, while the latter can only be improved through surgery.