The Antique Toaster thats Better than Yours
You can support this channel on Patreon Link below That title isnt hyperbole or clickbait nonsense. This really is better than your toaster. At least, I think so. Seriously, can we make this the norm, please If we figured it out in 1948, youd think we woulda kept going with it. I mean, really. Looking for the previous video How about the second channel video where we improve and fix these Want to read those patents that were on the screen Youre in luck Theyre right here Heres the patent for the toaster itself: And heres the patent for the thermostat: Also, heres a link to that fansite I mentioned; Do you want more of these videos to happen Well then, you should know that you can support this channel on Patreon Patrons of the channel have turned Technology Connections from sporadic hobby to well, my job An