Harmony In Grotesque Cult of Things
Камера Виктор Олейник Звук Арсен АртемьевГорчица Монтаж Василий Татарников CULT OF THINGS I cannot dislike Those things that hinder me And a ready to kill me Control me covertly Secretly. .. secretly. .. I put my dreams on shelves of memories By my shaky. .. trembling hands And build the walls of pain Nervously fuzzy carelessly Cult of things. .. Cult of Sins. .. I am driving by stream of passion The waves of pleasure sink me Sins and different vices (Superbia, Invidia, Gula, Luxuria, Ira, Avaritia, Acedia) Caress and lead to oblivion Whim triumph in the peoples faces My friends pass over me The death is like miserable hypocrite Makes faces at me shamelessly