Nation 2024 Prevent, Catch and Fix Accessibility Issues by Maria Lamardo (Дата оригинальной публикации
Web accessibility (A11Y) aims to ensure that individuals with disabilities can interact seamlessly with the web. This entails designing and developing websites, tools, and technologies to be universally usable. Specifically, it ensures that all people can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with the Web effectively. In this talk by Maria Lamardo, a Web Accessibility expert, learn more about accessibility in web apps, including how to catch accessibility issues in your applications and fix them asap Tune in Visit Vue School Master Nuxt 3 with the only Official Nuxt 3 Course Master Pinia with the Author of Pinia, Eduardo San Martin Morote Learn to build a scalable App from Scratch using the latest greatest technologies in the most comprehensive Masterclass Get Certified with the Official Certification Program Get the Ultimate Vue Bundle Contact us at