barney robin, fire on fire
Watch in HD It has been overwhelming and humbling, and even painful at times, but I could not stop loving her any more than I could stop breathing. I am hopelessly, irretrievably in love with her. More than she knows. I never watched HIMYM finale. No I didn t HIMYM ended with 9x22 and these two are still happily married and in love, you can t change my mind (It s such a shame tho because 9x2324 had some gems such as Ted, Tracy s first interaction but the rest BYE. ) Seriously, I m still bitter the finale is a thing, you can t build up a wedding for three seasons and literally make the whole last season about their wedding weekend to have them dvorce and destroy years of individual character developments (for Barney, Robin and Ted) in one half of an episode But somehow during lockdown, I rewatched most of HIMYM (and not just a few scenes) w. my sister and it reminded me how much I loved this TV show (until 9x22). The story, the character arcs, the CHEMISTRY with the three main I watche