Why should you read James Joyces Ulysses Sam Slote
Download a free audiobook and support TEDEd s nonprofit mission: Check out James Joyce s Ulysses : View full lesson: James Joyce s Ulysses is widely considered to be both a literary masterpiece and one of the hardest works of literature to read. It inspires such devotion that once a year, thousands of people all over the world dress up like the characters, take to the streets, and read the book aloud. So what is it about this novel that inspires so many people Sam Slote uncovers the allure of this epic tome. Lesson by Sam Slote, directed by Paper Panther. Thank you so much to our patrons for your support Without you this video would not be possible. Jayant Sahewal, Marvin Vizuett, Marylise Chauffeton, سلطان الخليفي, Connor Wytko, Vinicius Lhullier, Sama Aafghani, Hannah Beth, Peter Owen, Mandeep Singh, Abhijit Kiran