SLH Wanted to be quot; Diagnosis Lovesicknessquot; Danced it sm23020922
Video Description We danced to Diagnosis: Lovesickness with the choreography by Kousoku Shimai We referred to the original music video for our costumes For those who have boyfriends or girlfriends, please love passionately forever, though many unseemly behaviors are seen in this video. Original Music Source sm22474644 Original Choreography sm22768146 SLH s Video sm23011034 SLHSnipped with Love TimerDanced it Mylist, Community SLH: mylist, 9213309, co1217619 Blog Twitter SHIRAHAN: SLHshirahan RYO: SLHRYO YUMA: SLHYUMA KARASU: odorakarasu Shooting and Edit: my fam SLHSLHcrew I always feel happy when I m with my Commentary from the Translator The name of the group is SHARE LOCK HOMES. SLH stands for it. The boy is RYO. The girl is SHIRAHAN. The other two boys from 4:15 are YUMA and KARASU.