Of Bird and Cage, Meet Kobra Paige
Kobra Paige, the lead singer and songwriter for Kobra and the Lotus, voices Gitta in Of Bird and Cage. Find out who Gitta is and how Kobra relates to her in this exclusive. Check out our article on Kobra Paige: Youre not just listening to a music albumyoure inside a dark, twisted game. Symphonic metal will lead you through this story of trauma, violence, and madness. Play as Gitta, a 25 yearold drug addict, who tries to escape the physical and mental prison of her captorBres. Based on Beauty and the Beast, the game features famous rock and metal artists, including: Kobra Paige (Kobra and the Lotus) Davidavi Vidi Dolev (Gunned Down Horses) Ron Bumblefoot Thal (exGuns N Roses) Rob van der Loo (Epica) Ruud Jolie (Within Temptation) Danny Worsnop (Asking Alexandria) Casey Grillo (exKamelot) Rocky Gray (exEvanescence) Mike Lepond (Symphony X) Snowy Shaw (exKing Diamond, exTherion) Tina Guo And many more Wishlis