Husky Olive is Amazed at How the Pups Have Grown
My dogs got to meet these cute puppies again How much the puppies have grown in a couple weeks They are no longer tiny puppies, but thick, massive balls of fur. My miniature husky Olive looks like a teenager next to these husky puppies. But they are still just as sweet and kind little puppies. Even though they have grown a lot in size, my dogs recognized the puppies. Husky Olive was very happy to play with the fun puppies again. Agouti Monty was always there for her, and this adult dog was ready to start fun snow games with the furry little ones. Even Yuki the adult husky didn t try to hide from the pups on the snowy mountain. We had a great morning, as always, playing in the snow with our dogs and with the pups. And we are happy to share this kind and fun video with you. Subscribe to our channel about three huskies and three cats New videos four times a week We are waiting for you every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday We love and embrace you , husky, dog, puppy