REAL KISSES IN KPOP Fanservice, Bromance, BL, Yaoi 18+
That Kpop Fan service Video consists of kiss scenes that include: Bromance and boys kissing each other, shirtless. I hope you guys enjoy the video. and the protagonists are : Thumbnail Baozi Hana (chinese cosplay real couple) 0:04 Jonghyun Taemin, SHINee 0:15 B. I, IKON 0:20 Minwoo Donghyun, Boyfriend 0:34 Sungjong Sungyeol, Infinite 0:50 Kevin Eli, UKISS 0:55 GD TOP, Bigbang 1:04 Rap Monster Suga, BTS 1:09 Mika Injun, The Boss DGNA 1:15 HongKi JongHoon, F