All Styles 7 To Smoke, RF Jam 2016, RPProductions
Winner: Majid, Germany Filmed by: Edwin Prasetyo (BUCKzoneTV) Edited by: Richard Prayoga ALLSTYLES 7TOSMOKE EXHIBITION BATTLE JUDGES: Sugapop, Mr Wiggles, Jill Chen 1. ) Semmy Blank, Indonesia 2. ) Mike Song, USA ( Kinjaz ) 3. ) Xiao Mei, Singapore ( Deep Ft. ) 4. ) Yao Bai, Taiwan ( IP Lockers ) 5. ) Majid, Germany 6. ) Nao, Japan 7. ) Wildcard Entry, Joy, Taiwan 8. ) Wildcard Entry, Nai, New Zealand Support this channel in Patreon to mak