Quads Aka Babies (1947)
Unissued, unused footage dates and locations may be unclear or unknown. Poland. Five babies have been born in a year to a farmer and his wife. We see the couple outside their house looking at the babies with friends. Another couple are seen inside their house, feeding their triplets. One lies in its cot and lets the bottle go from its mouth, blowing milky bubbles onto the pillow. Another set of parents give bottles to their three babies at home. Three milk bottles are being sterilised on the stove. Nice shots of the father talking and going coochie coo to the babies they are very tiny. Exterior of a country house. A mother is seen in bed with her four babies beside her. The father picks up one of the quads and grins at the camera. A lioness is seen in a zoo cage. M, S of her two beautiful cubs they are very small indeed and can t even open their eyes. Three men hold two of the little cubs. Shot of the lioness roaring from her cage. FILM A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATH