Inventors Exhibition (1969)
No title Inventors Exhibition. London. M, S man demonstrating a sprung road bollard at the Inventors Exhibition. M, S man operating an invention called the Power Tower, he presses button and platform rises up. C, U showing mechanism of Power Tower. L, S Tower fully extended. C, U man operating long range bait dispenser for fishermen. C, U bait dispenser which places ground bait. Camera pans as the man retracts dispenser. C, U Parford Peg as man attaches clothes to it. M, S as man pulls clothes out along line then he pushes them back under a plastic cover for use in showery weather. C, U a door being opened pan to top of door to show an aerosol spray. C, U aerosol spray which operates as the door opens to toilet. C, U cutting tool man picks up tool and cuts through piece of Formica. M, S table clearing robot. M, S as it lifts cup up from table. C, U cup being lifted from table and placed to one side. M, S as cup swings round to make room for another. M, S Easylift SpaceSaving Diner. C, U people looking. M